Start Ups

Priding itself on investing in start-ups and innovative ideas, Bee’s Capital has invested its time into a number of small start-ups, viewing their potential and aiding in their production. Bee’s Capital will continue to invest into small and unique companies who hold their own in the modern world.

  • Investment in WOTMED (

    WOTMED is an initiative to create safer medical travel and develop a global standard for medical practitioners and potential clients. A concept for establishing certified medical recommendations for overseas travel, Bee’s Capital is proud to sponsor the development of a credible database to research practitioners and firms alike. Founded by Christian Fletcher-Walker and Clarke Towsen, a memorandum of understanding has been secured with large Indian-based corporate hospitals. Australian patients are increasingly looking to overseas providers for medical procedures (including cosmetic surgery and dental work), thus making WOTMED a valuable tool in determining the most reputable option, both locally and overseas. It also ensures that the practitioners are genuine, displays past patient reviews and contact details.

    Bee’s Capital has enabled WOTMED to enter the Indian Health Care Industry by connecting the founders to hospitals in India which has entitled it to a 27% stake in the actual corporation with voting rights.

    Additionally, connections in Sri Lanka are establishing a spiritual retreat and haven-like resorts for relaxation and rejuvenation.

  • Tillpos (

    Till is a cloud based mobile point-of-sale software that will enable you to stay connected to your business from anywhere, at any time. We are here to provide exceptional experience to business owners, staff and their customers. Let us handle all your tedious tasks while you grow your business.

  • Negotiations with FORNIX:

    Bee’s Capital has the full permission of FORNIX founders to present and sell its newest innovative technology, Pico BSA, to the Australian government. Described as the next generation in EEG Technology, Pico BSA uses Digital Signal Processing Algorithm to present a detailed and true representation of digital signals to determine cognitive degeneration and early diagnosis of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy and ADHD. Such advancements in technology aim to provide a more accurate and advanced analysis through the separation of frequencies and the precise breakdown of data. Pico BSA has a 500% great efficiency rate – utilizing rapid decision making, clear visual imaging and precise drug qualification.

    Bee’s Capital is working I conjunction with FORNIX Medical to facilitate in the approval of Pico BSA in Australia. Negotiations with the Australian Health Ministry have begun, accentuating the positive impact the proposed software will have in reducing Medicare costs and diagnosing debilitating diseases at an early stage.

  • IVF Centres:

    With Reputed Australian University
    One of our proudest investments to date is the awaited establishment of IVF clinics in Mumbai and wider India, giving hundreds of families the opportunity to parenthood. In conjunction with renowned medical practitioners from a reputed Australian University, the establishment of embryology laboratories and storage facilities will create a never-before-seen, affordable opportunity in India. Initially, four centres will be established with a further two built within six years. The general rate of infertility in both India and the United States is 10% of reproductive-aged couples – with India being significantly higher in population. Our aim is to give these couples the opportunity to increase their chances of falling pregnant and reduce fertility-related problems.